Tuesday, November 15, 2011

xlogdump 0.5.1 released

The latest xlogdump has been released.

This version allows users to lookup object names from object ids for built-in database objects by reading the lookup table file instead of the system catalog.
2011-11-15  Satoshi Nagayasu <satoshi.nagayasu@gmail.com>
        * Version 0.5.1
        * Allows to lookup the object names for the build-in database objects
          by reading `oid2name.txt' file, instead of reading the system
          catalogs through a database connection,
        * Added '-f, --file' option to read an oid2name cache file,
        * Added '-g, --gen_oid2name' option to generate an oid2name file
          to cache oids and object names in the system catalogs.

You can download the new xlogdump from the github download page.

Downloads for snaga's xlogdump - GitHub

Also you can see README there:

If you have any bug reports and/or comments, please feel free to email me.

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